Seminar Series > Peter Kelly > Marginalized Young People and the Moral Economies of Social Enterprise
The Collaborative Collective Action in Disaster Situations. The 19S Earthquake in Mexico City, by Ligia Tavera Fenollosa
Promotoras y Anfitrionas Santiago: El crowdworking para compartir derechos laborales, by Andrés Gómez Seguel, Camila Ponce Lara and Natacha Leroy Zomosa
Approaches to Collaborative Work in Times of Labour Precariousness. A Case of Sharing Laboratories, by Elsa Santamaría López and Joseba García Martín
The Maker Movement as Collaborative Collective Action. The Cases of Espacio Open and Hirikilabs, by Ignacia Perugorria
Collective Practices and Strategies around Leisure of Contemporary Basque Young People. The Phenomenon of Lonjas, by Diego Carbajo
Identité, espace local et mondialisation: l’émergence de la société collaborative, by Benjamín Tejerina
Identité, espace local et mondialisation: l’émergence de la société collaborative, by Benjamín Tejerina and Cristina Miranda de Almeida
Activismo barrial, acción colaborativa y reconstrucción del lazo social. La experiencia actual del sitio de memoria creado en el ex “Olimpo” (Buenos Aires, Argentina), by Mauricio Chama and Mora González Canosa
La agroecología y la soberanía alimentaria como bastiones para la acción colectiva colaborativa, by Izaskun Artegui Alcaide
Pensar las comunidades compasivas: Cuidados, compasión y vínculos colaborativos, by Ana Aliende Urtasun and Joseba García Martín