Ana Aliende Urtasun

Ana Aliende Urtasun graduated in Philosophy and Educational Sciences and, after a period in the working world, in 1990 I joined in the PhD program of the Department of Sociology at the University of the Basque Country. I had my PhD in the same University, with the work entitled “identidadcolectiva Navarra”. The PhD studies were made under the supervision of Dr. Alfonso Pérez -Agote. My research career has developed through projects and work focused on social and cultural transformations of the contemporary world as main theme.  My scientific interest has focused on three research lines: 1. Globalization as context: knowledge societies; 2. Science, culture, art and identity; and, 3. Subjects, bodies, strategies and resources.

Since 1997, I teach the Master “Democratic Society, State and Law” taught by the University of the Basque Country. My interest is the global-local conflict from the perspective of Latin American countries. My most noteworthy publications are: 1.Aliende A, Luquin A, Garrido, JJ. Nuclear Fission Technology in Spain. History and Social Concern. Public Understanding of Science. DOI:  10.1177/0963662516659035. 2. Pérez-Agote A, Santiago J, Ariño A, Aliende A, Nuñez A, “Portrait du catholicisme en Espagne” en Pérez-Agote (dir), Portraits du catolicismo. Une comparaisoneuropéenne, PressesUniversitaries de Rennes, 2012, 63-106. 3. Aliende A, “Fear of the Dead” en Ferrándiz (coord.), KeptAwake, Alkibla, 2011, 107-128. 4.Aliende A, “La perspectiva social del miedo. Condiciones que lo originan y adaptación creativa del individuo” en, Beriain, J. y Sánchez de la Yncera (eds), Sagrado/Profano. Nuevos desafíos al proyecto de la modernidad, CIS, 2010, 245-270. 5. Aliende A, Garrido JJ, The integration of wisdom in knowledge production, CISCI 2010 – SIECI 2010 – Orlando 2010, 1, 312-315.