Manuel Hidalgo

Manuel Hidalgo is a Senior Lecturer at the Center of Social Sciences, Carlos III University of Madrid. He holds a Doctorate in Political Science (Complutense University of Madrid, 1995), a Diploma in Constitutional Law and Political Science

Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies, Madrid, 1994 and a Degree in Political Science and Sociology, Complutense University of Madrid. Since approximately 2006, he has been able to gain more research experience and progress by participating in various projects and improving the quality his my publications (2 articles in the first quartile since 2009).

His field of work has been fundamentally comparative politics, joining in more recent years another line, related but with its own autonomy: The Welfare State. As far as possible, he tried to work taking advantage of synergies with other researchers and related fields of knowledge.

In Comparative Politics, based on the case of Venezuela, he dealt with different theoretical questions that have been the object of discussion in the scientific community in recent decades: party systems, economic reforms, populist regimes, petro-states, the quality of the economy, the quality of the economy, and so on.

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In addition, within the framework of the two R&D projects led by Ludolfo Paramio (CCSH-CSIC) he analysed the behaviour of the middle classes and their relationship with the stability of the political regime after the arrival of Chavismo in power. Also, the behaviors of the emerging middle sectors in the context of oil abundance and economic crisis. The main results of his research on Venezuela have appeared in Plos One, Journal of Democracy, Electoral Studies as well as in other magazines in Spanish and in several edited books.

Based on my knowledge of democracies and public policies, he ventured into two other areas. First, in 2005 he published a comparative work of the democratizing processes that take place from the “third wave”. In this work he tried to coin a new concept: foundational leaderships of democratic regimes. To that effect, I established a scheme of analysis to gauge its impact on the establishment of (new) democracies. Second, the institutional question linked to the Europeanisation of the Spanish political system has allowed me to approach some public policy, hardly analysed from a political perspective in our country, as has been the case of the common maritime security policy and its impact on Spain.

The line of the Welfare State is more recent. Within a multidisciplinary team led by Benjamín Tejerina (UPV), in a first stage he has been interested in social welfare models and the study of the factors behind the precariousness of contemporary social life based on the Spanish case. At present, he is focused on the study of the restructuring of Welfare States in Southern Europe from the crisis of 2008, and on the analysis of the main reform strategies and some fundamental policies, such as, for example, labour policies. Partial results of the research on this subject have been published in co-authorship in the journal Oñati Socio-Legal Series (2015) and there is a project to publish a book with the final results of the project as well as some articles in international journals.